PhD. Psychology, ‘The applied psychology of addictive orientations: studies in a twelve step treatment’ context (University of Kent)
MSc. Integrative Psychotherapy (Metanoia Institute)
BSc. Clinical and Social Psychology (University of Kent)
IFS [Internal Family Systems]
• Level 1 Foundation (Jory Agate and Liz Martins)
• Level 2: Deepening and Expanding (Osnat Arbel)
• Level 2: ‘Substance use and eating disorders: a compassionate approach to additive processes’ (Cece Sykes)
PIT [Post Induction Therapy]
• Levels 1 and 2 (Meadows Addiction Treatment Centre, Arizona)
EMDR [Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing] (Sandi Rickman)
Psychedelics, Altered States and Transpersonal Psychology, 1 year Certificate (Alef Trust, David Luke)
14 yrs study of Advaita (non-dual) philosophy (School of Economic Science)
Meditation Teacher Training (Triyoga, Sally Kempton)
Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Campus)
Yoga Therapy ( Triyoga, Bo Forbes)
SATYA [Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement] (Yoga campus, Tias Little)